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Who are the Jesus Army?

There are various groups and charities within the 'Jesus Fellowship Church' group.

Through the years and the expansion from the early roots of the Jesus Fellowship Church, various names have been given to the various organisational parts of the Fellowship.



Jesus Fellowship Church *

The Church behind the group

Jesus Army

The front line

Modern Jesus Army

(mJa *) A commonly used variation

Multiply Christian Network

Church Network, created by the group

Multiply International Christian Network

Church Network, Growing Internationally

Jesus People

General name (used commonly till mid 80's)

Jesus People, Loving People

Expanded general name

Jesus Fellowship Church Baptist

Old name (whilst still Baptist Church members)

Jesus Lives Crusaders

Nickname from the Early days

New Creation Christian Community

(NCCC) Collective name for commune dwellers  




Jesus Army Charitable Trust (JACT)

Formal Jesus Centres' charity

Heartcry (Compassion in Action)

working name for JACT

Jesus Fellowship Community Trust

Owns fellowship assets, buildings, vehicles, businesses, etc.

Jesus Fellowship Housing Association Ltd

Formal housing trust / charity




House of Goodness

Parent company encompassing most fellowship businesses

New Creation Christian Enterprises Ltd

Business dealings (dormant)

Jesus Fellowship Limited


Jesus Army Limited


Jesus Fellowship Pre-School

Starting young !

* NOTE: The 'Jesus Fellowship Church' mentioned here is not connected in any way with the American "Jesus Fellowship Church". They are entirely independent organisations.
'mJa' mentioned here is not connected in any way with 'MJA', The 'Messianic Jewish Alliance'