Source : 20/06/1974 Northampton Chronicle and Echo
A television documentary will be going out on the air shortly to show how 'The Lord took hold of Bugbrooke.'
It will tell how this quiet Northamptonshire village became a centre for the Jesus People, a religious sect so strong in their beliefs that it is claimed they have split village society and even families within that society.
The programme will be screened next Tuesday evening by Thames Television. And it could cause further murmurings around the village.
Filmed in December last year, the programme will be centred around the worship and community life of those Jesus People, whose commitment is so total that other preoccupations become secondary. It will include interviews with converts, would be converts, the disillusioned and the hostile, as well as the reactions of the villagers of Bugbrooke.
It all began five years ago when Bugbrooke Baptist Minister, the Rev, Noel Stanton 'had a vision.' Since then the movement has grown rapidly and to the unconverted members of the village, the Baptists have become remote, almost alien. And to some, a noisy nuisance.
They meet five nights a week, and on Sundays to receive the Spirit, for healing, to hear prophecy and to be released from demon oppression. They are a complete cross-section of types and ages, and they believe that this life is simply a preparation for the life hereafter.
Only last week, the movement 'acquired' Bugbrooke Hall and grounds for £67,000. It was bought by the Jesus Fellowship Housing Association, and will be used to accommodate families, old people and single people.
Limited accommodation will be available at first for about 25 people (including possibly two families) who will be expected to live 'sacrificially.' The fellowship will be excellent they say: the comforts few.