Source : 22/06/1989 Northampton Chronicle and Echo
Having watched the TV programme on the Jesus Army last wek, I felt I mst write with my views.
I and my husband thought it very fair. We have a daughter who has belonged to the fellowship from their beginning, and married a nice young man also belonging.
It certainly wasn't an arranged marriage as suggested: they have two lovely children, very bright and happy, and certainly not chastised anymore than my own children were.
We have visited them regularly and stayed overnight often. We have been made very welcome and never had any religion rammed down our throats, or made to feel uncomfortable in their presence.
They come and visit us too, and certainly no-one checks up on them. Our grandchildren are dressed and fed better than a lot of children and have games, toys and books, and are very happy and content.
We ourselves do not attend any church and all we ever see when we are among them are one big happy family, and they certainly help a lot of people who would otherwise be on the streets.
I personally feel the other church leaders who object are envious of their full meeting halls and marches and missions, while their churches remain half empty.