Source : 13/07/2000 Northampton Chronicle and Echo
Your interesting reports by your chief reporter relating to the Jesus Fellowship (Chronicle & Echo, July 7 and 8), illustrate how the Jesus Army had developed since growing out of Bugbrooke Baptist Chapel in the 1960s. It also highlights the good work that they do for those from 'deprived sections of society'
What the reports do not draw attention to is the effect on Bugbrooke Chapel. It is currently not used for services on Sundays and, as a consequence, is an under-used resource within the village community. A survey undertaken in the course of putting together 'A History of Bugbrooke (1997)' clearly indicated that over 10 per cent of the village population feel that the chapel should once again be made available to the community for religious services, of a style they would support.
Bugbrooke has always had a strong spirit of non-conformism. In the 1600s it had the third largest Quaker population in Northamptonshire and the Baptist Chapel, built in 1808, was sufficiently impressive to be locally known as 'the Cathedral of Village Chapels'.
Now that they have successfully purchased the old Cannon Cinema in Northampton to cater for their needs, it might be the opportune time for the Jesus Fellowship to return the village chapel to the community that built it.
It could then return to its historic role of inspiring local people to take up lifestyles that improve and stimulate their local and national environments.