Letters Page
Source : 27/09/1982 Northampton Chronicle and Echo
My son has been a member for the past 10 years. During this time he has married and had three children.
In all the 10 years of his membership, I can in all honesty say that our family have been in constant touch, and that the family relationship has never been more loving and closely bound.
I can say with all truthfulness that my daughter, who has been a member of the Jesus Fellowship for eight years, has found great joy and happiness in her Christian life.
She has grown stronger and more confident and her character has been greatly strengthened.
She visits me regularly and her other relatives and appreciates them more. I have stayed with her quite a number of times in the community and have always been made very welcome. I have no fears for her.
I would like to take the opportunity as a parent whose daughter has been with the fellowship since its beginning to pass a message through your paper to those parents who have doubts and think they have lost a son or daughter.
Visit these warm and loving people as often as you can.
Accept their generosity and hospitality and the closed mind will be opened.
I have never experienced such fellowship in 60 years of living.
I would like to take this opportunity of saying that my wife and I do not feel that our family has been broken in any way since both my sons joined the 'Jesus Community' at Bugbrooke.
On the occasions that we have visited them we have been impressed by the love and care demonstrated by their companions; not just to each other but to us also. As visiting parents, we seem to be welcomed by everyone. The visiting is not one-sided either. My sons often visit us and stay with us, and we feel that we only have to ask for help and they would respond. When we needed work doing in the garden, they came and did all the hard work, and recently we had a bereavement in my brothers family and both came to accompany me to the funeral.
We certainly do not feel deprived as a family; in fact, we are very grateful to the community for opening up a way of life where my sons can find fulfilment both mentally and spiritually, where morality and peace and the sanctity of family life are not just terms or crusades, but a living reality.