Source : 25/08/1989 Northampton Chronicle and Echo
After the fire at New Creation Farm (August 23) we would like to express our thanks to the Fire Service whose first vehicle reached us to find a raging inferno of buildings and whose prompt action in difficult conditions stopped a far worse conflagration. We much appreciated the large-scale efficient operation mounted by the Fire Service with water not easily available.
Thanks also to the many people including our vet, animal food suppliers, local farmers and others who gave or offered help and sympathy. They have encouraged us immensely, and to the media whose coverage was living and responsible, and to the police for their diligent search for the culprits responsible for the fire.
Finally to our own staff whom arriving firemen had to order from blazing buildings as they desperately tried to save animals. We saw young men 'grow up' in a day as they faced a challenge which drew the best out of them.
The value of the loss is covered by insurance. We thank God for His delivering mercies and with His help, forgive those responsible.
Noel Stanton, Senior Pastor,
Jesus Fellowship, Nether Heyford.