Source : 29/03/2002 Northampton Chronicle and Echo
A prisoner rehabilitation programme has been established by the Northamptonshire-based Jesus Fellowship to keep offenders out of a life of crime.
The latest person to benefit is a female hoax bomber, who was this week spared a jail sentence for the latest two offences in a decade-long campaign on nuisance calls.
The 32-year-old Scot will live and work with the Jesus Fellowship as a condition of a rehabilitation order imposed by a judge.
The Woman, previously of no fixed abode, will now stay in one of the Jesus Fellowship's communal houses in the Northampton area.
John Campbell, a Jesus Fellowship elder, admitted that the woman's case was rare as she was referred directly to the organisation.
But he said that a regular stream of offenders who had found Christianity during their time in jail were now arriving with the Jesus Fellowship after their release.
Mr Campbell, who is also the fellowship's communications officer, said: 'I believe the judge was very impressed how she (the woman) responded to the therapy and how she has responded to our people.'
'He was very keen for her to receive help.'
The scheme is limited to those who have found religion in jail and want to live in a Christian environment on release.
Mr Campbell said: 'The people we are dealing with as part of the prisoner rehabilitation programme are under the age of 25.'
'The people who are coming to us are those who have committed crimes which are representative of anyone who has a criminal history under the age of 25.'
'They have made a mistake - often through drink or drugs - and we are here to help.'