Source : 06/03/1982 Northampton Post
Dear Sir,
It was with quiet but considerable pleasure that I read your lead story on the Bugbrooke 'Jesus People'. Since 1972, I (and some of my colleagues) have been disgusted by the activities of this group, who, because they profess their 'Christianity' in such apparently forthright ways seem to have escaped the kind of critical (but objective) examination that they merit.
In a time of considerable resurgence of the 'Charismatic' and Fundamental Christian groups there seem to be few people prepared to challenge their dogmatic and narrow interpretation of Christian teaching, and I am thus heartened that a measure of challenge is coming from the ranks of the 'established' Church.
I can only hope that their questions may stir the sluggish minds of those whose blind faith has, in my experience, done more harm than good; particularly to some members of the community who, for whatever reason, may be vulnerable or mentally disturbed.