Neighbours raise concern about bid to build new house three inches from their home
Website: Northampton Chronicle and Echo
Date: 06/02/2012
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Neighbours raise concern about bid to build new house three inches from their home
PLANS to build a new house just three inches away from a neighbouring property could be approved by councillors this week, despite concerns raised by the owners of the house next to the development site.
The Jesus Army has applied to Northampton Borough Council for permission to build a four bedroom, communal house in Hester Street, Semilong.
The house would be built just three inches away from a neighbouring detached house.
The owners of the neighbouring property have told the council that building two houses with gable ends so close to each other would make maintaining both properties extremely difficult.
But in a report which will be seen by the council's planning committee tomorrow, council planning expert, Geoff Wyatt, said the tiny gap between the two properties would not be a problem.
He said: “Although the separation distance is relatively minimal, it is considered that a more substantial gap would impact on the continuity of the street scene.”
He also said the new house would not harm the Jesus Army's other property in the street, which also neighbours the development site, as a gap of almost 10ft would be left on that side of the new property.
Recommending councillors approve the plans, he added: The siting, design and appearance of the building will compliment the existing street scene without being detrimental to residential amenity and highway safety.
Residents of Hester Street have also raised concerns that the new house would have no parking spaces. But Mr Wyatt said the fact it would be used in conjunction with the Jesus Army's current building would reduce dependency on the private car.
He also pointed out the site was close to shops and the town centre, adding: As the site is in a very sustainable location being next to a bus route and close to local shops and the town centre, the proposed occupiers would not need car ownership.
Members of the borough council's planning committee will make a final decision tomorrow on whether the development should go ahead.