Read the full list: Companies, councils and charities who used benefits claimants as unpaid labour
Some of the companies and charities pulled out after strong criticism of the Coalition government's Mandatory Work Activity scheme
Website: The Independent
Date: 30/06/2016
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The names of more than 500 companies involved in a controversial scheme to make people work without pay for their benefits have been released after a court over-ruled the Government's attempt to keep them secret.
Major high street companies and well-known charitable organisations are included in a list made public by the Department for Work and Pensions, four years after it blocked a legal bid to make the information openly accessible.
The 534 organisations were signed up to a scheme which required jobseekers' allowance and other benefit claimants to work unpaid for 30 hours a week in order to receive their weekly welfare payment, which could be as little as £73.
It is not yet clear under what circumstances the organisations joined the Mandatory Work Activity scheme, and whether they believed it was an employment rehabilitation programme.
But Tesco, and charities including Cancer Research, PDSA, Age UK and the British Heart Foundation, have said they pulled out after it was widely criticised. The scheme was eventually scrapped in 2015.
The full list is: (edited)
Jesus Army Centre